Evangelium - Nassim Ben Iman - Granum Sinapis - Islam - Mission - Moslem - Terrorismus - Wunderheilung

With you

With you we can proceed!

Our motto is:
There is no price to high when it is about bringing the Gospel to the lost!

I invite you to become personally involved with us in the Gospel work. There are several way in which you can help us:.

1. By praying for us and the work

You can subscribe to the newsletter of Nassim Ben Iman and you will receive on a regular basis prayer requests, crusade reports and general information about our work and progress. Just send a short e-mail and request to be added to the mailing list, write to info@granum-sinapis.com

2. Become a personal partner with Nassim Ben Iman

Through your regular financial support you can ensure, that Evangelist Nassim Ben Iman can continue the work and keep fulfilling his calling as an evangelist. To support Evangelist Nassim Ben Iman mark your support with the note “NBI”. The lord will bless you abundantly for your support, your prayers and your giving.

3. Become our "Partner in Mission".

There are always opportunities for new projects and new trips to various nations. All we do is with one goal in mind: to give God all the glory and to see people saved, healed and delivered. If you as a partner in Mission would send a one-time gift or on a regular basis financial support for this work with the note on it: "for missions project" we would not have to turn down invitations to cancel important missions projects. "God loves a cheerful giver".

Would you like to become Nasim’s personal partner or a partner in Mission? Here you’ll get to the bank info for donations.
doantion account

4. Become a member in GSP9

Now, what is this? Click here for more info on GSP9.